We will do our best to act as a professional knowledge provider of global standards / quality services, supporting companies in achieving innovative growth.
Since its establishment in 1962 following the Industrial Standardization Act, the Korean Standards Association (KSA) has fulfilled its role as a specialized provider of global standards and quality services over the past 60 years. In addition, it has supported Korean companies to improve their competitiveness through its dedication to educating them on industrial standards and quality management, enhancing the methods of KS/ISO certification and quality/management innovation, researching and developing standards, and publishing and distributing local and overseas standards.
In the face of a new era of change called the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), we at the KSA will ceaselessly strive to strengthen South Korea's industrial competitiveness and pursue innovative growth with a new vision of becoming a leading knowledge service provider committed to digital transformation and carbon neutrality.
Moreover, we would like to help our members and customers advance their innovative standard/quality control to the next level and build foundations for future growth based on contemporary trends. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, said, “Are you fighting a new wave? If you are, it is like you are fighting the future. Accept the new trend, and it will be your tailwind, leading you to move forward.”
In this regard, our focus will be on expanding new growth projects for 4IR technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), future cars, and cloud computing. We also aim to reinforce non-face-to-face education projects, including e-learning, and strengthen the development of standards for 4IR-based new industries. Furthermore, we hope to build up a proactive response to and support for social demands, such as carbon neutrality, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria, compliance with the Act on the Punishment of Serious Industrial and Social Disasters, and AI+ certification, alongside the creation of markets necessary as new growth engines for our companies.
While also serving as a specialized global standard / quality service provider for the next 60 years, we, the KSA, genuinely carry out our responsibility as a knowledge-/value-creating partner to ensure the sustainability of corporate growth.